Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fussen, Germany.

Fussen, Germany.

Füssen is a town in Bavaria, Germany, in the district of Ostallgäu, situated 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) north from the Austrian border. It has a population of 14,512. The town is known for its violinmaking industry.
Füssen was settled in Roman times, on the Via Claudia Augusta, a road that leads southwards to northern Italy and northwards to Augusta Vindelicum (today's Augsburg), the former regional capital of the Roman province Raetia. The original name of Füssen was "Foetes", or "Foetibus" (inflected), which derives from Latin "Fauces", meaning "gorge", probably referring to the Lech gorge. In Late Antiquity Füssen was the home of a part of the Legio III Italica, which was stationed there to guard the important trade route over the Alps.



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